Saturday, January 24, 2009

Molly taking an opportunity to take a dip into the sea.

We had two shark warnings today (Sunday) where everyone has to get out of the water, it's very exciting, the jaw music always comes into my head. Anyway they were both false alarms and just very large Manta Ray sightings

I thought you might like to see what I have been up to.

Making fabric bird houses and birds, very cute but I am not quite sure who is going to buy them. Even so they were fun to make, just to be creative again.

What else have we all been up to. Spending time at the beach before the children return to school. And spending time with Richard, who is going away to work for 3 weeks because all the work here has dried up.


  1. Well she looks like she is having fun by the see. tell Timo to watch he does not burn his head!!

    The Fabric bird house is very pretty Fran.

  2. Thank goodness he has some work, albeit a short while. I'll pop over and keep you company if you wish :)

  3. Kelly said.. The birdhouse looks great. Nice to hear from you.
